Approach the Family Law Attorney with an Open Mind

A family law attorney or a child custody lawyer is sought to deal with the different aspects of family relations. Family law consists of adoption, child custody, visitation, child support, alimony, separation agreements, civilian and military divorce (dissolution of marriage), property division, estate planning (that are dealt by law firm for probate claims), insurance, pre-marital agreements etc. The family law court hears cases dealing with the above situations and more.

It is important to find a divorce lawyer to fight your case and find a solution to your marital situation. Some of the family law situations are discussed below.

Custody Issues

In a divorce case it is very rare to see situations which have been based primarily on the interests of the children. Couple often behave in a selfish manner and place their personal goals in front of the emotional trauma their children can undergo. The children are asked to accept the fate of the decision. The Judge tries to reach a mutual custodial agreement initially. This is however very rarely accepted by both the parties involved. The court also recommends counseling and meditation in trying to resolve the issue in the best interests of the children. If you need help fighting for the custody of your kid/s, you may hire an experienced child custody lawyer.


This is purely under the discretion of the court and the best divorce lawyers will help you get the visitation rights if it is not detrimental to the interests of the child. The rights may also be given to non-parents like grandparents, step-parents if it is for the welfare of the child.

Child Support

There are guidelines set for the amount given for child support. A good child support attorney will guide you and fight for what you deserve. A responsible parent should set up an account for their children to get a childrens isa allowance. The amount of payment varies from one courtroom to the other. If the father refuses to pay for the child’s support, federal law permits interception of tax refunds, seizure of property, suspension of driver’s license and business license. The court can take an extreme step in even imposing a prison term.


•Independent Adoption – This can occur when the birth parents and the adoptive family find each other on their own or through a family friend.
•Agency Adoption – This is done through placement agencies.
•Step Parent Adoption – This is usually after a divorce or spousal death when the birth parent finds a new spouse.
•Adult Adoption – A person eighteen years or older is legally adopted.

If you have found your attorney online, it is important to consult a good online divorce attorney about important life events such as adoption of a child, child abuse matters, child support modifications, visitation and custody etc. He will help you take the right decision and guide you in the right direction.