Those who get convicted under dui charges attract certain New York drunk driving penalties. Even refusal to take the chemical test when stopped under the suspicion of drunk driving is also treated as a serious offence and results in additional mandatory penalties. As per the Implied Consent Law applicable in the state of New York, the refusal will result in the suspension of your driving license for at least a period of twelve months. Besides that, for the first time refusal, you will also have to pay an additional mandatory fine of $500; for the second time refusal, the fine is $750.
New Mexico Drunk Driving Penalties
The new dwi laws in passed in 2010 have introduced some changes in the New Mexico drunk driving penalties. For example, the dwi chemical test fee has now been fixed at $85 (previously, it was $65). Following is a general overview on what kind of penalties you can expect when you get convicted under dwi charges in this state. But, you are advised to consult an experienced New Mexico dwi attorney for more detailed and accurate information on what is applicable in your specific case.
New Jersey Drunk Driving Penalties
Certain New Jersey drunk driving penalties are mandatory every time you get arrested under dui charges. It is important to note that these penalties are in addition to the penalties awarded after conviction. It means even if the charges against you get dismissed in the court, you will still have to face specific penalties that include the following –
New Hampshire Drunk Driving Penalties
There is provision for New Hampshire drunk driving penalties for those who get convicted in a dui case. Certain penalties are also applicable when someone refuses to take the chemical test by the traffic official when stopped under the suspension of drunk driving. You must take the test else the refusal will cost you license suspension for the first time refusal, the license will be suspended for six months for the second time, the suspension will occur for a period of twenty four months.
Nevada Drunk Driving Penalties
You will face certain Nevada drunk driving penalties when you get convicted in a dui case in this state. It is also important for you to keep in mind that refusing to take the chemical test when stopped by a traffic official under the suspicion of drunk driving will also attract some additional penalties, as any such refusal in this state is treated as a bigger offence than failing the test. In fact, traffic officials also have the right to use reasonable physical force if you do not agree to take the test. The following is a brief rundown on how the penalties apply when you get convicted.
Nebraska Drunk Driving Penalties
You will face certain Nebraska drunk driving penalties if you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol with a BAC level of 0.08 or more (for commercial drivers, the BAC limit is 0.14; for under-21 drivers, it is 0.02). It is important to note that when you are stopped under the suspicion of drunk driving, you must not refuse to take the chemical test to determine the BAC level. If you refuse, that will attract immediate penalties; for a first time refusal, your driving license will be suspended for twelve months. This penalty is mandatory and you will have to face it even if all the charges against you get dismissed in the court. Following is a brief rundown on what type of penalties you can expect when you get convicted.