Illinois Drunk Driving Penalties

Implied Consent Law is applicable in the state of Illinois also, as per which you may have to face certain Illinois drunk driving penalties if you refuse to take chemical test when you are stopped by a police officer with a suspicion of drunk driving. The first time refusal to chemical test will result in driving license suspension for one year. However, you may be able to get some driving relief and obtain a restricted license after thirty-days of suspension. A second time refusal to chemical testing will result in three years of license suspension with no option to get driving relief.

Idaho Drunk Driving Penalties

If you are driving in the state of Idaho, it is very important for you to keep in mind that you may have to face certain Idaho drunk driving penalties if you are driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 or above. The BAC limit for minors (under 21) is 0.02; for commercial drivers, it is 0.04.

Hawaii Drunk Driving Penalties

Like in most other states, certain Hawaii drunk driving penalties to those people who are caught driving a vehicle with a BAC (blood alcohol content) of 0.08 or above. For commercial vehicle drivers, the BAC limit is 0.04; for minors (under 21), it is 0.02. As per the “Implied Consent Law” applicable in Hawaii, you have the right to decline to submit to a chemical test of urine, breath, or blood. You will not be awarded any penalty or fine for this. In most other states, refusal to take these test often result in immediate license suspension for a certain period of time. There are no such provisions in Hawaii.

Georgia Drunk Driving Penalties

As per the laws regarding Georgia drunk driving penalties, it is a criminal offence for commercial drivers to drive vehicles with a BAC (blood alcohol content) level of 0.04 or higher. The BAC limit for drivers under 21 years of age is 0.02. For all other drivers, the BAC limit is 0.08. Georgia has also enacted the Implied Consent Laws, as per which, if you are stopped for a dui offence and the police official asks you to take to state chemical tests of urine, breath or blood, you must not refuse. These tests are important to determine whether you are guilty of a dui offence or not. Even if you are sure that you have not committed any offence, it is legally mandatory for you to take the test. Refusal to take these tests will be considered as another legal offence, which may attract penalties like driving license suspension for one year.

Florida Drunk Driving Penalties

In Florida, the term BAL (blood alcohol level) is used instead of BAC (blood alcohol content). Certain Florida drunk driving penalties apply when someone is caught driving a vehicle with blood alcohol level of 0.08 or higher; for commercial drivers, the BAL limit is 0.04, and for minors (below 21 years of age), it is 0.02. The implied consent law applies, which means you must give your consent for chemical test if the officer asks you for that. If you refuse, you will face an automatic license suspension for one year for the first time. For subsequent refusals, your license will be suspended for at least eighteen months. It is very important for you keep in mind that depending upon the severity of the offence, such as whether accidents or death or injuries are involved, the arresting officer may also use reasonable force to conduct the chemical test of urine, blood or breathe to find out the blood alcohol level.

Delaware Drunk Driving Penalties

Certain Delaware drunk driving penalties are applicable if you are caught while driving a car under the influence of alcohol or while ability impaired. In the state of Delaware, it is illegal to drive a vehicle with a BAC (blood alcohol concentration) of 0.08 or higher. However, it is important to note that the permissible BAC limit for commercial drivers is 0.04 while for drivers under 21 years of age, the limit is only 0.02. As per the Implied Consent Law applicable in this state, the officers who stop you under dui charges do not need to seek your permission to conduct the required chemical test of urine, breath, or blood. If you refuse to take the test, the officers have the legal right to take “reasonable” actions (that includes physical force) to conduct the tests. Refusal to take dui chemical tests will result in automatic revocation of your driver’s license.