What Can The DUI Attorneys Do For Your Case?
There is no doubt that the increasing instances of Drinking under influence or Driving while intoxicated (DUI/DWI) are pointers to the fact that despite the stiff penalties and punishment provisions people cannot stop their urge to drive after consuming alcohol. Almost all the States of the US have penalties in the form of fines and even jail terms. The penalties progressively get stiffer depending upon the seriousness of crime and the number of times the offense has been committed. Since the government intention is not to go soft on DUI/DWI, it is wise to consult the DUI attorneys whenever you get caught in inebriated state while driving.
The DUI attorneys know how to reduce the sentence and penalties. Minor offenses as per the DUI laws are treated as misdemeanors whereas the major and more serious ones are considered felonies. A misdemeanor can also become a felony with repeated offense. The DUI related offense cases are made at two levels. At the administrative level, it is the case with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). And, at the second level, there is the case with courts. One needs to file for the case review with the DMV within a specified period of time. And, if you think that one can take it easy and make it at that level, then it is mistaken notion. Even a single mistake at the paper work will mean that the case is lost. Therefore it is not advisable to go all alone without any legal help. You can get back your license and also try and get the criminal records expunged with the help of a lawyer.
The best DUI attorney can try to commute your sentence to a lower category one. In place of jail period, he might try to get for you community service, driver education programs, installation of Ignition Interlock Device (IID) and other such measures which aim to reform the person rather than punish him.
The DUI attorneys can tell you that the conviction under DUI/DWI offence could be a very serious matter for your future. Your driving license might be revoked. You might not only lose your current job but will also find it difficult to get employment elsewhere. The costs of insurance are also likely to increase considerably and you might now be required to pay steep premiums. The criminal record formed might also entail social costs for you. So, the best part is to avoid driving when you are drunk.
Tags: Best DUI Attorney, DUI Attorneys, DUI Laws