Some Basic Things You Must Know About Juvenile Crime Statistics

Juvenile crime statistics are compiled with an objective to assist the general public, law enforcement officials, and sociologists so that they can have a better understanding of why juvenile crimes happen and what can be done to prevent such crimes. The statistics include details of the socioeconomic categories of the convicts and different types of juvenile crimes they committed. Following is a brief rundown on some of the most basic things that you must know in this regard.

Legal Rights Of The Convicts

Just because a child or a teenager had ever received a conviction in this type of crime, it does not mean that it is mandatory for them to participate in all research activities related to juvenile crime statistics. This specific point is very important to understand, specifically for those people whose child has ever been convicted in certain offenses. Your child has the legal right to refuse to fill out forms or questionnaires related to the offense he or she was convicted for in the past. If your child or any one in your family is facing drug-related charges, you may look for an experienced drug possession attorney to review the case and build a defense strategy.

Partial View Of Delinquency

Another thing that is very important for you to keep in mind that these statistics do not give you a complete view of delinquency; it helps you get just a partial view instead. They can just provide you an idea, they cannot tell it with certainty, that what possible measures can be taken to reduce or prevent juvenile crimes or what were the factors that resulted in those crimes.

Variety Of Sources Are Used

You also need to understand that a wide variety of sources are used when it comes to compilation of juvenile crime statistics. Some common sources include juvenile courts, correctional institutions, and police departments.

Many Crimes Go Unreported

Since many crimes go unpunished or unreported to criminal lawyers like the ones at, the statistics can not provide you all occurrences of juvenile offences. In fact, it should not be an exaggeration to say that the actual statistics of juvenile delinquency might be skewed as a whole because the chances are that only disadvantaged children and teenagers get caught, as they often get severe crimes.

National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center

You can find out extensive detail about the juvenile crime statistics by visiting the official website of the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center (NYVPRC). The best thing about NYVPRC is that it provides information geared toward different people, such as parents, professionals, and those teens who are working their best to prevent or at least reduce such crimes in their communities.

The Office Of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention

The official website of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) is another great place to get up-to-date information on this type of statistics. This is a great place to access a large number of statistical studies, such as law enforcement and juvenile crimes, juveniles on probation, juveniles in correctional facilities, and other such things.

Considering the very fact that juvenile crimes are on the rise, it is the responsibility of every responsible citizen to contribute in whatever way possible to prevent and to reduce such criminal activities and to protect the furrier of such children and teenagers who are likely to commit such crimes. The study of juvenile crime statistics can prove to be very helpful in this regard.